Hello! I'm Cynthia S.👋🏻

Passionate about solving 2C problems for startup companies and small businesses, as well as B2B problems.
After serving over 20 clients, I believe both Functionality and Aesthetics should evolve logically and efficiently around User Experience follow realistic business constraints.

Product Designer

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More Cases on the Road...

My UX Process

The process is not linear.
To have a clear direction , I will find and understand business goals, business opportunities that may arise, and the scope of the users.



Define the possibility more accurately, such as precise users' scope, clarify their features, conducting pre-research, exploring all scenarios where real needs may occur, etc.
Conduct various research, explore the user's corresponding motivations in the context, etc. Use a variety of tools to analyze and summarize.


💡Ideate &Prioritize

Generate concepts and select them out through corresponding methods, and define user tasks, user flows, and roadmaps based on the persona and selected functions.

🚀Test & Validate

Select the appropriate test method and ask users to test to ensure that each of our designs and functions can effectively bring business value.


Bring more details into the validated idea, build design systems. Test the high-fidelity product with real users, and let feedback tell you what needs to be improved.
At this stage, I turn the idea into a low-fidelity product. Rapid prototyping provides a quick opportunity to validate the idea.



I will prepare all the readable works for the engineer. In some cases, I build the website myself.


See more Articles on my Medium



● Html (Udacity certificate)
● Basic Java
● Python


● Interaction design
● Visual communication design
● Branding
● Nomad+CAD modeling  
● Sketching
● Illustration
● paint ( multiple media)

User Experience

● Adobe suit
● Figma
● Axure
● Miro
● Notion
● Nomad &C4D


● User research
● Low & High fidelity Prototyping
● User interface design
● Wireframe

Brandings & Other Graphics

See more on Branding
backgroundColor = 'hsla(260,40%,5%,1)'